Monday, February 25, 2013

Xi'an (Monday)

Alright so I left off without telling you of what woke all of us up after midnight on Monday. About 12:30 AM rolled around, and our door suddenly opened. We knew our roommate was still out and about, but we just assumed he would come in as quiet as possible. The door opened, and two guys came in; the one escorting his friend (our roommate) to his single bed at the end of the room. The friend said he was sorry and left the scene fearing for what might happen next if he stayed. At this point we are all kind of dazed on what was really going because we had just woken back up. He staying pretty quiet for the first few minutes, and then all of a sudden he appeared in the middle of the room with only his long underwear on...

Speaking decent enough English, he explained to us that he was quite inebriated and that he was sorry. He told us atleast a hundred times that he was sorry. He continued to ramble on in the middle of the room essentially naked when God knows why he decided to jump into Elliot's bunk trying to 'cuddle'. As if cuddling was not enough, he attempted to kiss every single one of us minus Carlin...not saying that he was successful with some of us may or may not be a lie. I will say that being on the top bunk saved me from much of this awkward asian man, and I was not touched haha. While Elliot continues to fend off this man telling him to just go to his bed and go to sleep, all of us were just dying laughing. My stomach hurt afterwards from laughing so hard...all the time this man was trying to get in our beds, he kept saying how he was not a handsome man, and that we were all very good looking...

Needless to say, he finally was convinced that his bed was actually the empty one in the corner of the room. He finally laid down, but DID NOT go to bed...ugh! He decided that it would be a good idea to talk to someone on his phone for a good 2-3 hours till the wee morning light...

Although I had quite the morning laughing while also fearing to close my eyes, I was glad to learn that he moved out the next morning to a different room...which was quite a good thing haha

So you guys get somewhat of an idea of what craziness I am talking about, I present you this picture I was able to capture of this crazy night.

Crazy man haha

Anyways, like I said in my first post, Monday was the day we decided to head to the Terracotta Warriors. I was pretty stoked to head out even though we had to be up by 6 to make it to the bus by 7 AM to take us there. A little hiccup though before we started, the bus driver locked his keys in the bus... With a little Chinese ingenuity and lock picking devices, we were only set back about 20 minutes or so. The bus ride was about an hour and a half which was not too bad. When we got there, our tour guide led us out to where the 3 pits were. I was not expecting to see that buildings were built over all three pits to make this attraction a whole year around thing.

Our tour guide was quite weathered in this field having gone to this place every week day for the past three years haha. She gave us a very informative tour of each pit, showing us the least interesting one to the grand finale! As soon as we walked into the the first building to see the pit, I was already in awe...the soldiers are around 2000 years old and some of them are still intact from all the way back then. 

Another fact I found interesting was that archaeologists are still working in these pits every day starting at 6 PM after the tourists are gone. There is a strong belief that there are more pits that are still not discovered because of the positioning of the warriors in the three pits. So look out, in the next few years the 6000 soldiers already discovered could become much much more! After hearing interesting fact after interesting fact, we finally made it to the grand finale! The last pit is where most of the soldiers were found. Because most of the warriors were broken when found, archaeologists are finding best match pieces every night and piecing them back together. Once they have a complete warrior, they will replace it where it was found but standing up. Below are some of the cool pictures that I took of my time at these pits.

This is from the third pit, there used to be a chariot made of wood where the 36 is. Being made of wood, it was not able to restored.

These guys are still being finished and are almost ready to be put back with their friends

I wish these pictures could express how truly amazing this sight was. An army of clay soldiers that were thought to be used in the was pretty awesome

Just a picture from behind as we walked to the front

After exiting this last pit, we stopped and ate a pretty mighty meal of quite the variety, nothing I hadn't had already; but it was pretty good. After dinner, we headed back to the hostel where we had a pretty relaxed night. We did however, find out that we had acquired a new roommate. He looked like he was a world travel, and was pretty laid back when we talked to him. We were hoping that this one would actually stay for awhile...well we were proved wrong once again...

The following morning, I again was crying because I was laughing so hard...I will make sure to write all about it it the next post!

Hopefully you guys keep reading these =]


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